What is Love?
Something that’s been on my heart for quite sometime is quite simply...love. What is love? We know the Bible says that God is love. So in order to fully understand love we must understand who God is...correct? Hmmm....This seems like a life-long journey of discovery.
One of the ways I’m discovering what love IS is to first understand what love IS NOT.
Love is not self-seeking. It’s not judgmental or critical. Love is the opposite of hate. It’s not just in words; it’s an action word. We can’t say we love someone if we are unwilling to express love in action. I’ve watched people love their job or love what they do more than the people in their life.
On this journey of faith and learning to love like my Father, I’m passionate about imparting the importance of PEOPLE to the sphere of influence that God is giving me. The most important thing in life isn’t how much we accomplish. That isn’t meant to be our number one goal. The number one thing in life next to loving God is to express love well to those around us.
So here’s a challenge for YOU!
Take an inventory of your life. Where is love in your life? Is it in what you do? Is it expressed toward the people God has placed in your life?
Here’s the order of healthy love. God, spouse, (if you’re married), children (if you have them), other family and friends. And yes!!!! Let’s not forget the neighbor and stranger!
If you feel that you have fallen short in loving well, great news! You see it! You can make the adjustment. It’s never too late. Like I said...I’m learning how to LOVE and LOVE WELL.
“This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” John 15:12 NKJV
You are loved!